Speech by Tracey on 11 August 2023

Today I wish to address US sensitivities about Julian Assange.
(Words in quotations are Julian’s own words, from Julian Assange in his Own Words
compiled and edited by Karen Sharpe, 2021)

Julian Assange, Australia’s political prisoner
is waiting on his final request for appeal.
To appeal against being extradited to the US.
If extradited to the US, he will face the espionage court.
That court does not allow the defence of publishing in the public interest.
This is what Julian was doing, what he was arrested for.
Publishing facts.
In the public interest.

Recently we had a visit from Secretary Blinken
He brought a picture of a kangaroo painted with the stars and stripes
Make what you will of that.

He said he understood our sensitivities about Julian
But that US sensitivities are more important.
What are the US sensitivities?

Julian shone a light into the dark soul of the US military complex.
Secrets of murder, understated civilian deaths, torture, spying
and illegal detention.
Dirty truths.
Hidden from the people.

The US state is sensitive about that.
No one was ever charged for the crimes – but they locked up the publisher.
And they are sensitive that we might think they are suppressing free press
So Julian was defamed and ridiculed to distract us.

As Julian says, it doesn’t suit the Western establishment narrative that,
Yes, the West has political prisoners.
Julian is a political prisoner, and there are others. “No state accepts to call the people
it is imprisoning, or detaining for political reasons, political prisoners.
They don’t call them political prisoners in China.
They don’t call them political prisoners in Russia.
And they don’t call them political prisoners in the US, UK or Australia.”
They are sensitive about having that kind of self-perception.

Our government is bending over backwards to accommodate US sensitivities
Giving land for bases. Agreeing to make weapons.
Violating the nuclear proliferation treaty.
Contemplating missile testing on Aboriginal land.
Storing weapons grade nuclear waste.
Embedding US spies into our defense.
Vietnam, Maralinga and Iraq all rolled up in one!

All that giving!
and yet Sec Blinken uses his visit here to tell us to our face
That he is not going to free our journalist.
Such contempt!
Have we lost our self-respect?
so that our leaders stand silent in response to such contempt?

Julian could see a pattern.
He said that “the US is attempting to apply its jurisdiction to all countries in the
world, to reach into other countries and destroy their sovereignty by demanding that
its laws apply to other people’s territory.”

This is happening right now.
Right here.
And our government is enabling it!.
Does it feel like we are being drip fed
one revelation about AUKUS after another.
One shock after another?

As Julian says “the US response to the release of Wikileaks material betrays a belief
that its power resides in the disparity of information – in this way:
That more knowledge is for the empire, ever less for its subjects.”

Enough is enough said Prime Minister Albanese.
He’s doing quiet diplomacy for Julian.
Rex Patrick applied thru freedom of information
and found no records of any correspondence.
All off the record so that we never know what has been said.

There is a way for governments to overcome their sensitivities.
Julian suggests there are two choices:

“The first choice is they can simply stop doing things that embarrass
the public, so instead of committing an unjust act, commit a just act.
Instead of hiding something, explain it. That’s one choice.

The other choice is that they can spend more on their security;
they can become more baroque; they can take things off-record,
speak orally and continue with this course of unjust action.”

Noam Chomsky said that this is how governments
manufacture the peoples’ consent.
By keeping us ignorant
and feeding us half-truths that make us afraid.
So that we’d rather cede our sovereignty to the US
than live with the remote fear of a Chinese invasion.

This is why we need brave journalism and free press.
As Julian says, it gives us a choice.
“If you have information about how the world is working around you,
then you have a choice about what you support, what you don’t support,
what you do with your life.”

I support Julian Assange
and our right to know the truth.

How can you support?
Attend the rallies around Sydney on Wed, Thursdays & Fridays.
Talk to your local member and ask them to stand up for Julian.
Write letters to the PM, and the American Ambassador.
Demand more information about AUKUS and
for the people to be informed and properly consulted.
Read the book by Nils Melzer on the Trial of Julian Assange.

There’s only one decision
No extradition!
Julian Assange is a son of Australia.
A brilliant innovator and courageous publisher.
We should be sensitive to the US holding him as a political prisoner
and let our government know that Australian sensitivities come first.


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