Speech by Tracey 21/4/2023

Truth Peace and Hope
(Words in quotations are Julian’s own words, from Julian Assange in his Own Words compiled and edited by Karen Sharpe, 2021)

Julian Assange is being held hostage by the corrupt powers of the West. They want to silence him. He was telling us too much about their corruption of democracy. So today, I would like to work against that silencing and tell you what Julian said, in his own words. Here’s what he says about TRUTH.

“You have to start with the truth. The truth is the only way that we can get anywhere. Because any decision-making that is based upon lies or ignorance can’t lead to a good conclusion.

“To look at this from a geopolitical perspective, what is happening is not simply an increasing tendency towards authoritarianism in the West. There is a desire, and a method being erected, for the United States principally, to engage in an extra-territorial land-grab through the abuse of law. It is attempting to apply its jurisdiction to all countries in the world, to reach into other countries and destroy their sovereignty by demanding that its laws apply to their territory.

“Now, if you control the laws of a foreign country, if you say that your laws apply to the interior of a foreign country, that is the same as having effective control over the population of a foreign country – which is the same as, in a way, annexing that foreign country. The United States has been doing this in a unilateral manner, where it claims universal jurisdiction in relation to everything that it says has to do with national security, including publishing.”

With these words, Julian brings us Truth, not just for it’s own sake but in the quest for PEACE. Who of us doesn’t want peace?

When you consider the current world situation, it’s easy to lose hope. Easier to just not think about it, let alone try to fight it. Julian understands this. And what is not well known about him is that he also speaks to us about HOPE. Here’s what he says.

“Most wars in the twentieth century started as a result of lies amplified and spread by the mainstream press. And you may say, “Well that is a horrible circumstance; it is terrible that all those wars start with lies.” And I say no, this is a tremendous opportunity, because it means that people basically don’t like wars and they have to be lied into it. That means we can be ‘truthed’ into peace. This is cause for hope.”

So he is telling us to hold onto hope the next time you see a headline that is trying to persuade you that China is coming to get us. Wars are started by lies, so look beyond the headlines. Ask more questions. War is not inevitable. Suffering is not inevitable. Julian says: “The real power lies in your ability to look beyond the story.”

He asks us to think for ourselves and not just think what our masters tell us to think. Is this a value that you treasure? Surely independent thought is the basis of democracy. Julian says it this way:
“We must all look to ourselves and understand whether what we are doing is right and just, not just according the views of our superiors but according to the long view of history, according to human rights and our feelings of compassion.”

See how Julian invites us into a daring adventure for truth, peace and hope. Don’t think that you can’t help. We are all capable of helping. Julian says: “If we have convictions, we are tasked to act on them.”

So, what does this mean for you and me, here, today? How can you help to carry on his work for truth and peace.
-Sign petitions,
-go and see the film Ithaka, about Julian’s family’s quest for his freedom
-join us here and add your voice to Free Assange,
-talk to your friends,
-read the book The Trial of Julian Assange by Nils Melzer,
-get on social media and find out what people are saying about Wikileaks.

Julian is a messenger of truth. Don’t let them shoot the messenger. Learn what he says.
You have the power to search for the truth.
You have a voice to speak up for the truth.
The truth will bring us peace.

• Free the truth.
• Free Julian Assange

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