Speech by Tony on Friday the 25th of August 2023

Welcome to the 196th week of Julian Assange Sydney Town Hall gatherings.

The unity of people would make a huge difference to our world, if only we could achieve it.  It is not complicated.  We need only to be united in one thing!  That one thing is the freeing of Julian Assange.  This would allow him and others to go all out on making governments and corporations transparent.  Julian Assange is currently in prison, because he devised the way to bring transparency to otherwise non-transparent governments and corporations.  The fact that he has been politically persecuted, shows us that those holding power greatly fear the method of transparency that Julian Assange employed to great effect.

What is holding us back?  Why don’t we have the necessary unity?  There are various reasons, but the principal one is that our governments and the mainstream press are working against it.  Together, they form an effective system of psychological control.  They push the narrative that we are truthfully informed and that we are able to choose the politicians who will best serve us.  This system of control maintains itself.  Mainstream narratives never mention that the system could be improved or that anything worthwhile might be achieved through the unity of the people.

People apparently feel content with mainstream fiction of our so-called democracy, but there’s more to the story.  Some people do speak up against the fiction, but ideas that become a threat to mainstream narratives, are pounced upon and discredited by mainstream politicians and media.  Anyone who dares to contradict mainstream narrative, is ruthlessly smeared.  Most people are not prepared to run the risk of being publicly humiliated, so they limit their discussions to the topics in the range deemed acceptable by the mainstream politicians and press.

The lack of unity of the people appears to be related to a combination of ignorance and apathy.  Ignorance is not knowing the truth.  Apathy is knowing the truth, but saying and doing nothing about it.  We also have social media companies discouraging the speaking of the truth, by implementing penalties designed to elicit self-censorship.

Politicians and the mainstream press are integral to an elaborate system of psychological control.  The mainstream press is not free and doesn’t care about press freedom.  If the mainstream press was in favour of a free press, they would have strongly have supported Julian Assange over the past 13 years, but they haven’t.  It’s up to us!  We must support Julian Assange and we must show our unity for his freedom

Free Julian Assange!

Free Julian Assange!

Free Julian Assange!

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