Speech by Tony on Friday September 8, 2023.

Welcome to the 198th week of Julian Assange Sydney Town Hall gatherings.

In a democracy, it is essential that we are informed truthfully! Corrupt governments and corporations hide what they do from public scrutiny, because they know we have a sense of what’s right and what’s wrong. If enough of us were to become aware of the wrongdoing of governments and corporations, we hold them to account and they would lose their power. Because powerful interests that control our government want to hold onto their illegitimate power, governments must superficially appear to be working in our interest, but behind closed doors they are working against us. The reality is that we are living in a corporatocracy, an economic, political and judicial system which is controlled by corporate interests. Democracy is a charade put on by the politicians and the mainstream media to give us the impression that we all have a say in what our governments do!  The charade is so convincing, that it is likely that many mainstream politicians and journalists believe this charade is the real deal.

Julian Assange and WikiLeaks came up with a great way to bring transparency to governments and corporations. By employing a digitally encrypted drop box, WikiLeaks made it possible for whistle blowers to anonymously leak information about government wrongdoing, to journalists. Through Julian’s direction, WikiLeaks made sure the information it published was genuine and in the public interest.  Any information that would potentially cause harm to innocent individuals would be redacted. The public-interest information on the WikiLeaks website is a great source of education and is a fundamental game changer, which greatly empowers ordinary people.

The response by the corporatocracy, in relation to the journalism of Julian Assange, has been to attack him through the mainstream press. It doesn’t matter that everything he did was moral, ethical and legal, his style of journalism is a direct threat to the system on which the corporatocracy depends. The introduction of measures designed to severely limit our freedom shows us the corporatocracy is fighting for even greater levels of control. The corporatocracy doesn’t want any of us pushing for our right to know the truth. The puppet leaders may often appear to be stupid and incompetent but those pulling their strings know exactly what they are doing.

We must not permit the political persecution Julian Assange, for publishing what we all need to know! Truth is essential to everything we do!  We cannot allow lies to distort our democratic processes so that they are meaningless. We must resist corruption of democracy in all its forms and help free Julian Assange.

Time and again, information fed to us by governments and the mainstream media, is proven to be disinformation. It is important for all of us to realise that we cannot, and should not, trust our corrupt governments and the complicit media. WikiLeaks published genuine authentic documents we can use as important evidence for how the corporatocracy conducts itself! We can use this information to hold them accountable, but we must also have unity.  Unity is essential in our fight for true democracy.

It is in the public interest for Julian Assange to be free! There are no truthful and valid arguments for why Julian should NOT be free. We must put an end to the corruption of democracy! The political persecution of individuals who inform us truthfully is a crime against all of us!  We must unite for the sake of humanity!

Free, free Julian Assange!

Free, free Julian Assange!

Free, free Julian Assange!

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