Speech by Tony on Friday March 22nd, 2024.

Welcome to the 226th week of Julian Assange Sydney Town Hall gatherings.

Through the journalism of Julian Assange, we have been given a great opportunity to free our world of political corruption, war and injustice. When we stand up and help to free Julian, we are committing to seizing this great opportunity. In recent years it has become evident to many of us that a small number of people exert oppressive control over humanity. Through lies and propaganda, they are able to engage in rampant political corruption, war and injustice. This small number of people makes up what we can call the parasite class. Working to free Julian Assange resists and undermines the parasite class.

In the fight to free Julian Assange from cruel and unjust imprisonment, our morale is vitally important! Negative narratives instil a sense of despair. We therefore need to place less emphasis on the negative and be more positive in what we say in support of Julian’s freedom. Freeing Julian Assange is a positive pursuit, which the parasite class is doing its best to discourage. The parasite class doesn’t want us to feel positive or confident, yet this is precisely what we must be to best serve the interests of Julian, truth and democracy. We can instil confidence and enthusiasm in each other by speaking more positively. It is always important to acknowledge the truth, but we also need to emphasise our strengths and publicise the fact that we are working to make a more democratic, more just, and more peaceful world for all of us.

Our strengths include:

  • that we massively outnumber the members of the parasite class,
  • that we are each capable of looking at evidence and determining exactly what is true for ourselves,
  • that we can learn from each other,
  • that we have common-sense knowledge of what is right, and what is wrong,
  • that through personal integrity, empathy and cooperation, we will create greater unity and solidarity,
  • that our diversity gives us a wide range of talents and skills to draw from,
  • that we have an abundance of creativity and ingenuity,
  • that we have ways to communicate important truth regardless of censorship,
  • that we each have the crucial capacity to be able to think in private and act independently,
  • that we can be practical and adaptable,
  • that some of us, like Julian Assange, are extremely courageous,
  • and that courage is contagious.

True knowledge is powerful. True knowledge empowers people in the face of oppression. Julian Assange has given us true knowledge and we need to act on it to make a better world.

The parasite class cannot prevent us believing in ourselves. The parasite class cannot prevent us thinking and acting for ourselves. The parasite class cannot prevent our spontaneous unity whenever there is a need to make sure there is justice. Because we are thinking, breathing men and women, there is much that we can do, and there is much that we can do very well. We can each be courageous. We can each take a leap of faith and we can each be part of building a world that works for all of us.  I call on all to:

Free, free Julian Assange!

Free, free Julian Assange!

Free, free Julian Assange!

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