Welcome to the 215th week of Julian Assange Sydney Town Hall gatherings.
Truthful information is indispensable. Governments and media that don’t give us truthful information must be treated with great suspicion.
Time and time again, we find ourselves being lied to with the consequence of having our world made less free and less safe.
Media has lied about Julian Assange to suggest he is something other than an ethical truth-telling journalist and our political leaders have gone along with it. Even politicians who have said they support Julian’s release from prison, have been known to repeat the media lies about him.
Since the beginning of this century, we have been hit by many lies. We have been told that our militaries would be used to bring democracy to the Middle East, but this lie fell apart in 2010, when Julian published documents revealing atrocities committed in Iraq and Afghanistan, by the United States and its allies.
We cannot afford to believe the lies of governments and media, yet many still do. In just the last few years, millions of people, especially the old and frail. Are known to have been medically harmed and killed through the coordinated dishonesty of governments and corporations.
Suppression of the truth is a big problem affecting all of us. Credible people speaking the truth are demonised, especially when they contradict dominant narratives. It has become standard practise for media to demonise truth tellers, as we have seen happen to Julian Assange, to discourage the public from paying attention and learning the truth.
We must wake up and learn to be sceptical of information that is presented to us by governments and the media, especially when that information is used as an excuse to override our human rights. It may be possible to imagine an extreme scenario, where human rights need overriding for the sake of humanity, however, such scenarios are more at home in science fiction, than in reality.
The suppression of vigorous open debate is a clear signal of malfeasance. We cannot afford to ever assume that governments and corporations know better than we do or that we don’t have the right to participate in democratic discussions. The whole point of having democracy is that we are able to participate in it!
Demonising individuals to stifle democratic debate is a preposterous state of affairs!
It is with great sadness that the end of 2023 brought news of the death of John Pilger. John was an extraordinary Australian journalist and film maker, who really understood the importance of truth and the gravity of Julian’s work. John became a close friend and supporter of Julian, from the time he first met him in 2010. John Pilger will be greatly missed by all who value truth and truthful journalism.
It is becoming obvious to more and more people that there is a game being played. The game involves a degree of blindness to reality. In the short term, you will be rewarded for playing the game. If you don’t play the game, you will be punished. Those who see the need for unity, truth and freedom are NOT playing the game. Julian Assange doesn’t play the game and his work has shown us that none of us should be playing the game, particularly if we value freedom. NOT playing the game puts us all at a significant short-term disadvantage, but being part of the momentous fight for emancipation of humanity is the only long-term option, that is viable! It is a time for standing in the truth and helping to fight for the freedom of Julian Assange. Join with us. Help free Julian Assange.
free Julian Assange.
Free Julian Assange!
Free Julian Assange!
Free Julian Assange!