Welcome to the 216th week of Julian Assange Sydney Town Hall gatherings!
Truth is powerful. Truth is so powerful that it will set us all free. We need to be conscious of the fact that our freedom doesn’t suit the parasite class, that is constantly in pursuit of more power and more control. The censorship in mainstream media is there for the purpose of keeping most of us from waking up and realising the truth, that we possess immense power.
As children, we blindly believe what we are taught, but later in life we learn that much of what we have been taught just doesn’t add up. We begin to question, and eventually we wake up! Human beings are naturally curious, and our discovery of truth is inevitable, but we would be much better off if we could be more effective in our communication of the truth. The mainstream media actively dissuade people from waking up. Ad hominem demonisation and ridicule are used to cause people to be resistant to learning from speakers of the truth. Contradicting mainstream narratives, is far from easy. The more of us who engage in the task of waking people up, the better and the more quickly we can all become conscious of the truth and our inherent power.
Ideally, our media should keep us all truthfully informed. WikiLeaks, the organisation, that Julian Assange founded in 2006, quickly gained a reputation for making vast amounts of truthful information available for public consumption. Because WikiLeaks has been so rigorous in its publishing truthful information, it has never had to retract anything. Wikileaks delivers 100 per cent truth. Unlike other media organisations, its concern with publishing the truth is provably sincere, in contrast to the concern of media that carefully censor information to keep people ignorant and enslaved to the system that is ruled by a parasite class.
Wisdom is gained through hindsight! More and more people are recognising that we have been lied to, and that we continue to be lied to by our governments and by much of the media. It’s not just that we have been lied to, but the grave consequence of believing those lies has resulted in great harm to many of us and to our communities!
Unfortunately, most people believe they have more important things to do, than to be concerned about Julian Assange’s freedom, and press freedom in general. The evidence for this is readily observable in the number of people attending these weekly Julian Assange Sydney Town Hall gatherings. It would be good thing to see more people here. There is clear evidence that more people are waking up but having more people here will definitely help to speed things up!
Every human being who engages in truthfully educating the public about the importance of a free press and the freeing of Julian Assange makes a massive contribution to humanity! As more people become engaged in spreading important truth, the more the harmful influences of controlled media will be diminished. As truth comes to the fore, humanity is more able to create a healthy future for itself.
We need to be united in knowing and spreading the truth!
We need a truly free press, NOT a press that is censored for the benefit of a parasite class!
We need to be united in spreading the truth for the benefit of humanity. Working to free Julian Assange is essential for making a better world for everyone. Join us! Please!!
Free, free Julian Assange!
Free, free Julian Assange!
Free, free Julian Assange!