Speech by Tony on Friday February 3rd 2023.

Welcome to the 167th week of Julian Assange Sydney Town Hall gatherings.

The collective persecution of Julian Assange relates to propaganda and censorship.  The governments of the US and the UK, assisted by the governments of Sweden and Ecuador, have acted to shut down Julian’s ability to produce much-needed public interest journalism.

The Australian government is assisting the persecution by doing virtually nothing to help Julian.

The collective persecution of Julian suggests that those who hold power have an excessive aversion to public knowledge of the truth.

A shortage of publicly-known truth allows corrupt governments to implement policies that run counter to the interests of the people.

People are more likely to tolerate exploitation and a lack of democracy, if they believe the lies of their government.  The lies of government have shaped our past.  Censorship maintains the lies are necessary for oppressive government!

Those who are happy believing liars are happy to go along with a world that is run by liars.  Those of us who want to live in a democracy that is born out of people being truthfully informed, realise that it is necessary to help free the award-winning, truth-telling journalist, Julian Assange!

Of course, corrupt governments and the corrupt media label the truth as misinformation.  How else would they maintain control?

Wake up!  We need to bring the whole corrupt system down!  There is no other way. 

Our task is to resist military grade propaganda.  Unity will materialise through a well-informed population that is capable of uniting for genuine democracy!  We begin that process by standing up for the freedom of Julian Assange!

Misinformation becomes problematic when we ignore our ability to think critically.  We must all think critically!  We must trust ourselves, rather than those who claim to know better.  We must demand evidence, so we can figure out the truth for ourselves.  We must always realise that there are people intent on controlling us.  We must also realise that we can resist that control.

True democracy depends on us thinking independently.  True democracy depends on us speaking freely.  True democracy depends on our unity in resisting top-down authoritarian control.

The fight to free Julian Assange is necessary in the fight for democracy.

Free Julian Assange! Free Julian Assange! Free Julian Assange!

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