Welcome to the 211th week of Julian Assange Sydney Town Hall gatherings.
It is possible for us all to know the truth! Good things flow from people knowing the truth! Humanity can thrive when we are all free to know the truth!
Unfortunately, we are more ignorant than we need to be and we need to realise that our ignorance is by design.
Julian Assange has been detained in the UK since 7 December 2010 for revealing the truth without committing a single crime! For 13 years, he’s been subjected to:
- Smears,
- Slurs,
- Denial of due process,
- Medical neglect, and
- Solitary confinement!
This shows us that our ignorance enables our oppression. If we don’t know the truth, we won’t know we are being oppressed and we will be inclined to put up with unfulfilling lives. We need to know the truth and we need our journalists to be free of political persecution, if we are going to be able to know the truth!
Over the years, a whole lot of lies have been told, steering humanity from one misadventure to another. These lies are often accompanied by orchestrated events that result in millions of innocent people needlessly killed or harmed. It doesn’t take a genius to realise that if we could all know the truth, our world would be in a far better state that it is right now.
Julian Assange devised ways to give people better access to truthful information! He created Wikileaks, which allows whistle blowers to leak public-interest information anonymously. This has meant that exposed organisations are less able to identify and destroy the whistle blowers.
The existence of Wikileaks encourages people of conscience to be more willing to blow the whistle on government and corporate wrongdoing. Under Julian’s guidance, Wikileaks published millions of public-interest documents that would have otherwise have remained hidden from the public view.
Julian’s journalism has revealed governments and corporations are involved in the horrendous crimes of killing, maiming and terrorising innocent people, to enable the upward transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich.
Because Julian was so successful in safely revealing activities of governments and corporations, he has been the target of government and corporate retribution. Julian has now been arbitrarily detained for over 13 years. He is a political prisoner, in need of our unity to free him.
Peace and justice depend on our ability to unite and stand up for the right to know the truth!
We need all hands on deck! We need to openly communicate the truth! We need everyone to realise that we will all be better off through knowing the truth. Truth is our power. We must all help to free Julian Assange.
Free, free Julian Assange!
Free, free Julian Assange!
Free, free Julian Assange!