Welcome to the 162nd week of Julian Assange Sydney Town Hall gatherings.
People come to Sydney Town Hall each week to publicise the relevance of Julian Assange for all of us. Good government requires an informed public. When governments keep the public in the dark, it is for sinister reasons. Governments that genuinely have nothing to hide, will be supportive of everything Julian Assange has done. Clearly the Australian government is not one of these. Clearly we need to replace the current government with one that upholds the democratic values of free speech and a free press.
Because people are motivated to resist bad governments, absolute control of people is seen as necessary by bad governments. For bad governments, administration is all about control of the people.
Psychological operations, propaganda, censorship, mass surveillance, digital identity and central bank digital currency are all about control of people. Governments seeking to employ any of these are necessarily bad, undemocratic governments.
Only bad governments find in necessary to tell us to trust them, because they know they cannot demonstrate that they are worthy of our trust. In cooperation with bad governments, bad media have the role of controlling the narrative to maintain the propaganda of two-party political systems, to give the impression we have some kind of democratic choice, but our political system is structured to support the status quo and to keep the people down.
We have seen a succession of Australian Prime Ministers doing nothing of consequence to free Julian Assange.
In relation to Julian, they have all acted as though our right to know the truth is unimportant. This is another indication that democracy is not important to established power. In fact bad governments do their best to make sure that democracy doesn’t happen.
Bad governments suppress free speech and imprison journalists for revealing public-interest truth. Julian Assange has been detained for more than 12 years for revealing public-interest truth. Bad governments are brought down by the people when those people clearly understand the truth. Bad governments know this. The behaviours of the governments of the US, UK and Australia, in relation to Julian Assange, clearly reveal those governments are fundamentally bad. When people in these countries express their unity, these bad governments will be brought down and replaced with governments, which uphold the values of democracy.
We need good governments. We need to bring down bad governments. We need the public fully informed about our governments. Julian Assange showed us that it is possible for the public to be informed. We need democratic oversight of our governments. We need to establish ways to do that. We need to bring war criminals and corrupt public officials to face justice.
We must all stand up for the freedom of Julian Assange.
Free Julian Assange!
Free Julian Assange!
Free Julian Assange!