Speech by Matthew on 30 April 2021
It’s not just about Julian Assange. It’s what he represents. You know, whatever you think about Julian Assange, it’s more than a fact that whistleblowers are getting shut-up, while the criminals are getting away with it. The government has been trying to silence people from exposing the truth of what’s actually going on. Just keep that in mind. There are other people who are being persecuted by our government – David McBride – he exposed war crimes. He went to the top level to report it. Nobody wanted a bar of it, so he ended up giving the information to the ABC and straight away they were raided by our Australian Federal Police. This is how far our government will go to shut people up for exposing war crimes and corruption. Basically [David McBride’s] court case has just been put back to September, so we’ve all got to stand up for him as well.
There are also Bernard Collaery and Witness K .
There are plenty of other people out there exposing crimes and they’re the ones who are being persecuted by the [authorities].
The perpetrators are getting away with it and that’s got to end.
We need more government accountability in this country, in western nations. They’re just getting away with blue murder, so we’ve got to stand up against that, people.