We would again like to thank the Australian politicians who have put their support behind Julian Assange.
A few of the Sydney Assange supporters travelled down to Canberra, a few weeks ago.
Among the speakers outside, Parliament House, Andrew Wilkie spoke.
Speaking about Julian Assange, Andrew stated: “This is just wrong on so many levels.
It is about freedom of the media and the persecution of a journalist.
It’s about the U.S. claims of extraterritoriality.
It’s about the bilateral relationship between Australia and the U.S. and the U.K. & the U.S. and the fact that the Australian government and the British government think their relationship with Washington is more important than the rule of law.
More important than justice.
More important than sticking up for our own citizens when they are in strife overseas.
I call again on our prime minister to pick up the phone to the U.S. president he didn’t do it with the previous US president, but he could do it now with the new U.S. president.
Joe Biden is very fond of our wonderful country and he has said as much publicly. He would pick up the phone he would listen to an impassioned plea from our Prime Minister he would listen to common sense from our Prime Minister. But it hasn’t happened yet. Because our Prime Minister is more concerned with our relationship with Washington than sticking up for an Australian citizen who did the right thing. Who bizarrely won the case against extradition and is still in prison?
This is basically indefinite detention and that is a crime against humanity. That is against the Rome statute. “
Peter Whish-Wilson is an Australian Greens Senator from Tasmania. He was interviewed by Consortium News this week along with other Australian politicians. Peter stated that “he was pleased to hear Australian Labor Party leader, Anthony Albanese has questioned why the United States would continue with the extradition of Julian Assange given the court’s judgement especially given the health and mental health implications of an Australian citizen.” He spoke about the shadow attorney general, Mark Dreyfus comments “Labor welcomes the decision to give priority to the health and welfare of Julian Assange.
Now that a British court has found that it would be unjust to extradite Mr Assange to the US Labor believes that this has dragged on for long enough.
While the US has the right to appeal the court’s decision, we call on the Morrison Government to do what it can to draw a line under this matter and encourage the US Government to bring this matter to a close.
Chelsea Manning, the US soldier who was convicted of leaking information to Julian Assange had her sentence commuted by the US President in 2017. (So Chelsea Manning is free as she should be. But not Julian Assange)
Labor expects the Australian Government to provide appropriate consular support to Mr Assange, as is his right as an Australian.
Given his ill health it is now time for this long-drawn-out case against Julian Assange to be brought to an end.”
Mr Whish-Wilson said he is optimistic that support for Assange will continue into the next federal election.
Popular Australian radio personality, Alan Jones, posted a poll last year, asking should the Australian government attempt to help Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange, avoid extradition to the United States. 74% of respondents said yes before the poll was taken down. This matter could make or break a political party at the next election. The time has passed when you would be on the outer if you are loud and proud in your support of Julian Assange. The tide has turned on this matter. Australian politicians, you do not want find yourself on the wrong side of history. Silence is not an option.
Julian Hill is an Australian Labor Party MP for Bruce in Victoria.
He spoke about Labor being the alternative government for this country. Labor passed a motion unanimously in support of Assange at the Labor National Conference. Labor has made their position clear. The prosecution of Julian Assange needs to be dropped.
Thank you to all the brave men and women who have stood up in support of Julian Assange.
As Australians, we should look out for and protect Walkley award winning journalist Julian Assange and demand his release. He is one of us.